Proven Solutions to stop piracy and counterfeiting. We will help you register a trademark, search the internet for piracy and counterfeiting. Once piracy is identified, we work with you to eliminate the threat
This website is intended for informational purposes & should not be considered legal advice nor be substituted for legal counsel. We are not a law firm. No lawyer-client relationship is formed by this website.
Copyright © 2013 Product Protection Group. All rights reserved.
If infringement occurs, can you help me?
Trademark Services - FAQ
"No problems what so ever in filing my mark. Thank you for making this drama free" -Frank T, Orlando FL
What is a Trademark?
What is a service mark?
Can you help me obtain a mark?
Can you help me renew my mark?
What are the benefits of a registered mark?
How long does a Trademark last?
Is the mark valid outside the United States?
What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design which identifies a product, service or organization to others. The name of a company or product can be trademarked. A symbol can also be trademarked. The golden arches of McDonalds are an example of a trademark symbol. United States trademarks are registered with the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
How long does a Trademark last?
A trademark can last forever. The initial trademark registration lasts for ten (10) years with continual ten (10) year renewals available. In order for a Trademark to remain in force, the trademark must be continually in use for five consecutive years.
What is a service mark?
A service mark is a trademark which identifies a service as opposed to a hard product. The name McDonald’s is an example of a service mark.
If I do not currently have a registered trademark for my original work, can PPG help me obtain one?
Yes, we can. We will work with you during the entire process and will submit on your behalf.
What are the benefits of having a registered Trademark?
The benefits are many. Having a registered trademark conveys to your customers your legal right to use the trademark in the presentation of the goods and services covered by the trademark. A registered trademark allows you to sue in federal court for infringement. Also, it allows you to further register it with the U.S. Customers and Border Patrol to help prevent illegal infringed foreign goods from entering the United States. Product Protection Group (PPG) can help you with this registration and submit on your behalf.
Is a U.S. Trademark valid outside of the United States? Who qualifies to submit an international application?
The legal protection of a U. S. Trademark does not extend beyond the borders of the United States and its protectorates. However, a registered U.S. trademark makes applying for a foreign trademark easier if a country is a member of the Madrid Protocol. As of April 2013, 88 countries are members of the Protocol. PPG can help you with this WIPO registration and submit it on your behalf.
Any trademark owner with an application filed in or a registration issued by the USPTO, who is a citizen of, has a residence in, or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the United States can submit an international application via WIPO registration.
If a trademark infringement occurs, can PPG help me?
Yes, we can. In fact, there are several ways that Product Protection Group (PPG) can help stop the infringement and some may not require a lawsuit or even the threat of one. Please take a look at our Enforcement Services section of our website.
Can PPG help me to renew my Trademark?
Yes, we can. PPG offers all services that you need to obtain and continually own your Trademark. This includes but is not limited to filing and renewing your trademark (every ten years) and the filing of an affidavit of continual use of your trademark (every five years).
Can you respond to an office action?
Yes we can. PPG can provide legal representation of an hourly-billed basis. Please contact us so that we can learn more about your needs and submit a proposal accordingly.
Can you monitor my Trademark?
Yes we can. We offer different search plans for you to select from depending on your level of concern.
Can you help me register with the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol?
Yes we can. PPG can help you with this registration and submit it on your behalf. In addition to the registration, PPG can alert the U.S.C.B.P. of any counterfeit goods shipped or received into the United States via the U.S.C.B.P. e-allegation application.
Can you help with a Trademark dispute?
Yes we can. PPG can provide legal representation of an hourly-billed basis. Please contact us so that we can learn more about your needs and submit a proposal accordingly.
Can you help with contractual resolutions?
Yes we can. PPG can provide legal representation of an hourly-billed basis. Please contact us so that we can learn more about your needs and submit a proposal accordingly.
I do not have a registered trademark and am being pirated. Is there anything that I can do to protect it? Is it too late to get a registered trademark?
It is never too late to get a registered trademark, so long as the mark is available. PPG has on-staff attorneys who can discuss your options and come up with a plan to best protect you from piracy activity, whether this means registering your trademark or challenging the pirating activity.
Can you help me with Design and or Utility Patents?
Yes we can. Please email us so that we can learn more.
If I have more questions, what should I do?
Please visit our contact page to send an email or call. »
Can you monitor my mark?
Can you respond to an office action?
List of Questions
Can you help me register w/ Customs Border Parol?
Can you help me with Trademark dispute?
Can you help me with contractual resolutions?
Is it too late to get a registered Trademark?
Can you help me with Patents?
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I have more questions, what should i do?